About Diamond Token

Diamond Token
1 min readAug 25, 2021

Diamond token is the first Safemoon fork on Avalanche Network. It was born at may 2021 and didn’t create the official comunication channels because we belive in a community driven project.

Why we solved to have comunication with holders? Because a lot of people thought that the project was a scam. Therefore we will explain some metrics of the project.

The liquidity was locked until 2025 on team finance: https://team.finance/view-coin/0x4aBBc3275f8419685657C2DD69b8ca2e26F23F8


  • 5% redistributed to all existing holders
  • 5% is split 50/50 half of which is sold by the contract into AVAX, while the other half of the DIAMOND tokens are paired automatically with the previously mentioned AVAX and added as a liquidity pair on Pangolin.

Contract: 0x4abbc3275f8419685657c2dd69b8ca2e26f23f8e


The team doesn’t recommend you to invest an amount that you aren’t ready to loose.

Site: https://diamondtoken.world/

NFT dapp: https://app.diamondtoken.world/#/

Telegram group: https://t.me/oficialdiamondtokenworld

Twitter: https://twitter.com/diamondtokenava

Buy on Pangolin: https://app.pangolin.exchange/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x4abbc3275f8419685657c2dd69b8ca2e26f23f8e



Diamond Token

Diamond token is the first Safemoon fork on Avalanche